Phase One:
When you enter the program, the number one goal is to take you out of the survival-mode frame of mind by giving you a safe, stable, and secure place to start your recovery.
First and foremost, Step Springs is an addiction recovery program. We believe that putting your recovery first is the only way to a successful, happy and self-sufficient life. Here, sobriety isn’t only important—it’s required.
The only way to break free from the stronghold of your addiction is to commit to 100% sobriety. No compromises. No rationalizing or justifying. No excuses. Believe us, we’ve heard them all, used them all—and we’ll shut them all down. To be a part of the Step program, you’ll need to put forth effort to see progress. And part of that effort is following our rules surrounding sobriety by staying clean and sober from all types of alcohol, drugs, mind-altering substances.
Getting sober will be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do—but it will also be the best decision you ever make. Even though it might seem impossible right now, our Steps for Success program will help you take back control of your life.
One important factor in your sobriety is having a brotherhood around you—men who are working toward the same goal. By joining our Peer Recovery Community, you’ll meet others who are going through—or have been through—the same things you are. Together with these men and your Recovery Support Manager—an alumnus of the Step program—you’ll set goals, learn and practice new coping mechanisms, and gain the knowledge, tools, and support you need to overcome your addiction.